Power during an outage

You’re likely aware of the problem Houston encountered, in which they lost power as a heat wave hit. The outcome is also more than just “discomfort.” Well, climate change is no joke. Houston’s incident will happen elsewhere.

In planning for “net zero” sustainability, we first look at how to generate what we need – electricity, water, food, etc. – and then how to store it, because we may need something when nature isn’t providing it at the same moment … such as water, when it’s not raining, or solar power at night.… Keep reading

Home Energy Tax Credits

I’ve generally been pessimistic about the government’s ability to address the climate change dilemma. However, the Inflation Reduction Act – the result of a bi-partisan effort in Congress – now seems to be achieving a measure of success. If three million households can do it and can benefit from the change, you can probably do so, as well. Comments afterwards.


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Americans tapped $8 billion in

tax credits on home energy upgrades


Far more taxpayers than projected claimed the

Inflation Reduction Act incentives on solar panels,

heat pumps and other climate-friendly projects, data shows.Keep reading

Dollars & Sense

When I ask people why they’re not adding photovoltaic panels to their home, or changing to electric cars, the biggest reason I hear from people is …


“I can’t afford that kind of money.”


I don’t understand that; I have 5kWh of photovoltaic panels and an electric car, and no utility bill – unless my spouse uses her pottery kiln three times in the month. Even then, our bill is around $30. So, for his week’s blog I thought I’d lay out a process for determining what the real cost is for going solar. … Keep reading

2023 Temperatures Exceed 1.5C

This announcement rattled me!  Do you recall the “Paris Accord” and all the pledges made by country after country to abide by it? The outcome? It seems that politicians say whatever gets a positive response at the moment, but they do not make genuine commitments. Also, if one administration does initiate some positive action, the next administration abolishes it.

When, as marketing consultant, I did market research to help a client better anticipate the future status of a given market, we consistently found that change was stronger than we’d forecast and also happened sooner.… Keep reading

Housing industry stopping energy efficiency

Change is difficult … for all of us. However, global climate warming and the threat is poses to our survival warrants our need to adjust our lifestyle, or there might not be one. Here’s an anti-change report from the housing industry, saying profit is still most important.  Comments afterwards.


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How the housing industry is working

to stop energy efficient homes

Home builders have used their political muscle to

prevent states and cities from adopting the latest code,

which would lower the climate impact of new houses.

Keep reading