Solving the Climate Crisis

As car emissions are a major contributor to our climate problem, here are three unrelated reports about positive action now being taken to solve this crisis. One keys to individual action, one to corporate action, and one to government action. All report positive outcomes. Comments afterwards.


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‘Net zero hero’ myth unfairly shifts burden of

solving climate crisis on to individuals, study finds


Shifting responsibility to consumers minimises the role of energy

industry and policymakers, University of Sydney research suggests


Greg Jericho

Australian Associated Press

18 Jan 2025


It’s not unusual to see individuals championed as heroes of climate action, with their efforts to install rooftop solar and buy electric cars promoted as pivotal in the fight to save the planet.… Keep reading

Consumer Reports: Money-saving E-cars

Rather than various e-car pros and cons, I thought I’d see what Consumer Reports, a fact-based organization, says. I’m delighted to learn they’ve tested a huge number of e-cars, so I can share reliably-researched information. I’ll use two report sources then add comments.


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Consumer Reports … created a fact sheet with the latest analysis of how owning an electric vehicle (EV) will save the typical driver $6,000 to $12,000 over the life of the vehicle, compared to owning a comparable gas-powered vehicle.… Keep reading

World’s conflict zones are increasing

Crimes, violent or non-violent, are part of mankind’s history. And periodic violence between individuals, groups, or nations has also been part of our history. But when conflicts between large groups and between nations begins to steadily increase, globally – unnerving large populations and precipitating deaths and movements by millions of immigrants – we’d best examine the cause before we are personally soon part of it. Comments afterwards.


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World’s conflict zones increased by

two-thirds in past three years, report reveals


Wars have spread and intensified, with far-reaching impacts on global

economic growth and food security, according to latest Conflict Intensity Index


Kaamil Ahmed

The Guardian

21 Nov 2024


The proportion of the world engulfed by conflict has grown 65% – equivalent to nearly double the size of India – over the past three years, according to a new report.… Keep reading

CO2 levels surging

Here’s some definitive reporting from NOAA. We’ve just experienced more and fiercer hurricanes … which was a predicted climate change phenomenon. Our scientists weren’t kidding. The question is: How much more will we simply “accept” before we buckle down and take action? Transitioning from fossil fuel use is doable, and we’re dragging our feet. Comments afterwards.


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During a year of extremes, carbon

dioxide levels surge faster than ever


The two-year increase in Keeling Curve peak is the largest on record


Theo Stein, theo.stein@noaa.govKeep reading

Sustainability & Joy

Virtually all the research and reporting about sustainability deals with energy saving. Some deals with water and air quality. Some with food quality and availability. But almost none deal with our quality-of-life experience.

Garden Atrium homes supply 100% of power and water needs, plus better air and water quality. But, the #1 reason people bought one of our homes was aesthetics … beauty of the home and the landscaped site. In fact, I now see “Sustainable Living” as comprising vitality in both our lives and that of Earth.… Keep reading