Microplastics in our bodies

Because they’re so small, we simply don’t see microplastics, making them more difficult for us to worry about. However, although fact-checking doesn’t seem to be in vogue these days, if scientific, verifiable data suggests actions we can take that have major upsides and no downsides, why not consider taking the advice? Comments afterwards.


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Microplastics are in many of your body’s organs and tissues.

Why they’re so bad and what you can do to stay healthier.

Keep reading

Mushrooms Shrinking Tumors

Here’s an easy way to deter cancer-related problems … as you also enjoy some excellent dining experiences. Comments added afterwards.


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White button mushroom extract

Shrinks tumors and delays their growth


By Paul McClure


November 17, 2024


The unassuming yet popular white button mushroom has cancer-fighting abilities, according to the results of a human clinical trial on the use of food as medicine. Not only does it slow tumor growth, but it also allows cancer-fighting immune cells to do their job effectively.… Keep reading

Organic Fertilizers

Here’s a useful piece of research that we can each use, in helping to cut back on CO2 emissions. First, guidelines for home gardens and second what foods to purchase to support the use of this process.  Comments afterwards.

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Researchers make stunning discovery after examining farmland treated

only with organic fertilizers for decades: ‘[Will] help us to move forward’


Juliana Marino

Yahoo Tech

October 13, 2024


As more polluting carbon ends up in the atmosphere and global temperatures continue to rise, scientists are trying to find ways to increase carbon absorption.… Keep reading

Chemicals from food packaging

Here’s a piece of research that affects our health, but can be readily addressed by all of us. Comments afterwards.


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More than 3,000 chemicals from

food packaging have infiltrated our bodies


A new study shows the extent to which chemicals

are finding their way into human bodies.


By Shannon Osaka

The Washington Post

September 16, 2024


Shrink-wrap sealed around a piece of raw meat. Takeout containers filled with restaurant leftovers.… Keep reading

Ultraprocessed Foods Harm Brains

Here’s some Sustainable Living research that can help you continue to enjoy most of the variety of foods you prefer and maintain your long-term health. While I never change the verbiage of an article or research report, I’m going to bold a few phrases in this report that hit me. Comments afterwards.


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Do Ultraprocessed

Foods Harm Your Brain?



New York Times

July 31, 2024


People who regularly eat processed red meat,

like hot dogs, bacon, sausage, salami and bologna,

have a greater risk of developing dementia later in life.Keep reading